5 Reasons Why Bodybuilding Supplements Don’t Work

Why You Aren't Getting the Results You Expect

A few weeks ago a young man contacted me about a recent purchase he had made of a specific supplement, he was puzzled at why he had not seen very good results.

This is not uncommon, people often purchase things and expect great results without putting forth much effort, the truth is, in order for a supplement to work properly you also have to do your part.

5 Reasons Why Bodybuilding Supplements Don't Work - Skinny Guy taking supplements

You can go to the best gym in the world with state of the art equipment and lots of heavy weight, but if you are not motivated and are not willing to train hard, you will most likely not see good results. The same goes for taking supplements, you can take the best supplements money can buy but if you don't train hard you will not see any benefit.

In this article, I will explain 5 reasons why bodybuilding supplements don't work and what you can do to improve their effectiveness.

 1. You are not training hard enough

Most modern day supplements also known as legal or anabolic supplements only work if you train, unlike (synthetic hormones) anabolic supplements only work if you stimulate your body to produce more hormones.

When you train with heavy weight you stimulate androgen receptors, this tells your body to produce more hormones.

Certain supplements that contain testosterone boosting ingredients help supply your body with more testosterone which is what helps you gain more strength and muscle.

There are many supplements that not only boost testosterone some of them contain prohormones which can stimulate IGF-1 and HGH.

Legal steroids like Marine Muscle contain DHEA which are stronger than many commercial supplements you will find in your local GNC store.

2. You are not getting enough protein

Most quality supplements are meant to help increase the nutrients your body receives, protein is the building block of muscle and when you train heavy you tear the muscle, forcing it to grow, in order to heal and grow it needs protein.

For a sedentary person, the RDA (recommended daily amount) of protein for a sedentary person is 0.8 grams per Kilogram or 2.2 pounds of body weight.

For a  bodybuilder, the recommended amount is 1.6-2.2 grams per kilogram (2.2 lbs) of body weight.

Your primary protein source should come from lean beef, lamb, chicken, and fish, men with a fast metabolism might burn through protein quickly, taking a good protein supplement will ensure your body is getting all the protein it needs ensuring proper muscle recovery and growth.

3. You are taking the wrong supplement for your body type

Not all supplements are the same, which is why it is important to analyze your body type, there are many determining factors on what kind of supplement you should take, different body types will require different supplements.

Men with a fast metabolism might require mass gainers to make sure they are getting enough calories to bulk up, while men with a slower metabolism may just require something as simple as creatine.

There are many companies that sell supplements for different body types, many legal steroid companies sell special bulking stacks made for hard gainers, these make it easier for you to increase muscle.

A lot of guys think that all they need is creatine and whey protein, but for many, that is often not enough to gain mass.

So, before you buy any kind of supplement you should be critical of your needs and understand your body.

This will help you make an educated decision and allow you to choose a supplement that will be effective for your body type, otherwise, you will just be throwing your money away and will not see very good results.

4. The supplements you buy are of inferior quality

Just because the supplements you bought were expensive does not mean they are of high quality.

When it comes to bodybuilding supplements, you need to pay close attention to the labels and the ingredients.

There are some very reasonable priced supplements that work just as good as some of the more expensive ones.

If you are looking to bulk up, make sure you look into a good prohormone supplement, as they will work better than those that do not contain prohormones.

5. You are not cycling your supplements properly

Supplements are like training, train the same way all the time and your body will no longer respond, supplements are the same way.

Most supplements should be cycled, this means taking them two months and then rest for one, this will ensure your body does not get used to them.


We are all human so when something does not work for us the way we think it should we get frustrated and blame everything but ourselves.

Taking a supplement is no different, find one with quality ingredients, train hard, and you will be amazed at how good your results can be.

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