What is Steroid Aromatization

Bodybuilder Injecting Steroids

Steroid Aromatization a Simple Answer to a Complex Process The short answer to the question of what is steroid aromatization is simply the conversion of any anabolic steroid, including testosterone (both naturally produced and synthesized) into estrogen. We say “simply” as though aromatization is simple. In this blog, we discuss steroid aromatization from several angles. … Read more

What is DHEA – (Androstenolone)

DHEA Pills

DHEA: Can it Increase Muscle? DHEA or dehydroepiandrosterone is one of the hormones that our adrenal glands make. As such, it is a naturally occurring substance, but in the bodybuilding world, DHEA usually comes from plants such as soy. Its composition is of cholesterol which is due to the influence of adrenocorticotrophic hormone from the … Read more

Fitness vs Bodybuilding


Fitness vs Bodybuilding – Are They Really That Different? Before the glamorous fitness lifestyle that we know today came to be, bodybuilding was nothing more than a simplistic sport with a very small following. Men and women with different goals and aspirations took it upon themselves to transform their minds and strengthen their bodies. Even … Read more

Why Do Bodybuilders Use Halodrol

Halodrol Steroid

Benefits and Side Effects of Halodrol The main reason is to increase muscle mass in the abdominal area. Halodrol (Chlorodehydromethylandrostenediol) is an anabolic steroid and as such bodybuilders use it to help them add lean muscles and to increase their endurance while helping their bodies recover quicker and with better results post-workout. In general, those … Read more

Halotestin Why do Bodybuilders Use It

Oral Halotestin

Halotestin: Benefits, side effects, and use. Released in 1957 by Upjohn, Halotestin is one of the most powerful and fast acting anabolic steroids today. This compound contains an active steroidal hormone known as (Fluoxymesterone) that comes in oral form. Its properties comprise of anabolic and androgenic activity that is stronger than the steroid hormone testosterone. … Read more

4 of the Most Dangerous Bodybuilding Drugs

Novolog Insulin

4 Popular Bodybuilding Drugs that Should be Avoided The world of bodybuilding is full of supplements and drugs, both legal and illegal and marketed to show off their benefits. Some are mostly benign while others pose serious risks. Here, we discuss four of the most dangerous bodybuilding drugs, their risks, and benefits. 1.  2,4-Dinitrophenol or … Read more

What Is Dianabol and Why Do Bodybuilders Use It?

Oral dianabol Pills

Benefits of Dianabol for Bodybuilding Bodybuilding is a challenging discipline. It requires you to constantly push your own limits to not only gain a fat-free body with lots of muscles, it also requires mental strength in order to build your physique to its maximum potential. Even though some may claim that achieving certain goals and … Read more

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