Supplements to Help You Burn Fat

Before and After Fat Loss

It can be really frustrating when you are so close to getting to the weight you desire, but you are still retaining some fat, maybe you have already done everything to make sure your macros are just right, if you are younger, getting shredded may not be that hard, as you get older it becomes … Read more

Dangers of Competitive Bodybuilding

Allistair Smyth wins NABBA Pro Division competition

As a whole, bodybuilding at its purest form is a discipline and lifestyle like no other; it’s the only way in which the human body can successfully transform itself into a walking masterpiece. As the world grows and expands, bodybuilding does the same by reaching newer heights of popularity that are showcased within the competitive … Read more

Genetics and Steroids

Branch Warren Leg Press

Genetics and Steroids Do You Have What it Takes? Over the last several years, I have seen many articles circulating around on some of the more popular online bodybuilding publications, a lot of them revolve around the use of steroids. In the bodybuilding world, it is no secret that bodybuilders use steroids, and usually, if … Read more

¿Beneficios de CrazyBulk? Conoce Aquí Si Realmente Funcionan

CrazyBulk Strength Stack

CrazyBulk, se creó para ser un competidor líder en U.S.A. Su sede, está en el mismo país y son creadores de esteroides naturales y legales. CrazyBulk tiene diferentes tipos de esteroides legales, todos pensados en los diferentes entrenamientos que las personas lleven. Así, se adaptan a cualquier rutina y alimentación. En este artículo, te vamos … Read more

What is IIFYM If It Fits Your Macros

fast food

What you should know about IIFYM (If It Fits Your Macros) Over the last several months I began reading about the term If it fits your macros (IIFYM), I did some research on the subject and decided to do a brief article on my interpretation of this eating concept. Hopefully, it will help you understand more … Read more

Benefits of a Home Gym

5 Benefits of Training at Home There are way too many benefits of owning a small home gym. For the last 40 years, I have managed to train at least 4 days a week, some of my most memorable workouts as a teen were when I trained in my brother’s garage or in my bedroom. … Read more

Legal Steroids vs Prohormones

Young Bodybuilder

Legal Steroids or Prohormones Learn the Difference If you are into bodybuilding you probably are always looking for ways to gain muscle fast. When we think big muscles the first thing that comes to mind is steroids. After all, that’s what all the pros use right? Yes, it is true that bodybuilders do take steroids, … Read more

5 Reasons You Always Feel Tired and Weak

Bodybuilder sitting on bench

Any kind of physical exercise takes energy, especially bodybuilding, anyone who values their training knows that going to the gym and feeling tired and weak is not going to do anything for your gains. Theoretically the younger you are the more energy you should have, however, as you get older energy levels may decrease. Here … Read more

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