Squats For Maximum Size Gains

5 Benefits From Doing Barbell Squats

You have probably heard the term many times “don't skip leg day” and there is a reason for that.

I am not one to be critical but carrying around a Johnny Bravo physique does not look good.

The squat is not an easy exercise, I am sure some people may find them easy, I don't. I guess a lot has to do with your physical makeup, body type, and dexterity.

I am pretty tall 6'3″ with a short upper torso so for me squats are a hard exercise.

Just because they are hard does not stop me from doing them. In fact, I attribute a lot of my gains from squatting,

I personally feel that squats give me more core body strength and make it easier to do other exercises allowing me to lift more when training back or doing deadlifts.

I do realize that everyone is genetically different, but if you do not squat you are missing out on some of the many benefits that squatting can offer.

When performing squats, proper form is highly recommended and there are a gazillion youtube videos that can give you an idea on how to perform the squat properly.

In this article, I will discuss the 5 benefits of doing barbell squats.

Yes, squatting is a dreaded exercise and if performed properly it will leave you winded, depleted, and weak, the good news is that the long-term benefits are worth the pain and effort.

If you have done squats properly you should leave the squat rack with your legs shaking and trembling beneath you in a good kind of way.

There are many variations of the squat, including the front squat, back squat, and dumbbell squat, the one that offers the most benefit are a barbell, front and rear squats.

If you are interested in some of the best benefits from doing barbell squats continue reading.

1. Squats help Increase hormone production

Testosterone is the building block of muscle, the barbell squat is a full-body exercise that uses many different muscles in the body, hormones are produced by the endocrine glands.

Those hormones eventually make it into the muscle by binding to a receptor hormone in the body.

What this binding does is signal the cells DNA, in this case, testosterone which enhances the development of muscle protein stimulating more muscle growth.

The amount of testosterone released will vary depending on the workout,  but squats work many major muscle groups in the body which causes a higher release of testosterone.

If you want to gain muscle and get big keeping testosterone levels high is important.

2. Gain strength and muscle size

Besides increasing the quadriceps muscles, hamstrings, and calves, the squat will strengthen the lower back and improve the body's overall core.

This will ultimately make you stronger for performing other exercises as deadlifts and rack pulls.

When performed correctly squats will strengthen the abdominal muscles.

Sporting big legs will give you more strength and stimulate the rest of your body to grow more.

Bigger legs accompanied by wide shoulders will give you the perfect Vtaper and make you look even bigger.

Ever wonder why they say bodybuilding is an illusion sport? Because it is. Making one body part stand out can literally make a big difference in how you look.

Bigger legs give the impression of power and strength.

3. Squats help burn body fat

Performing the squat is not an easy task, especially if you are using moderate to heavy weight, try to do 5 sets of 10 -20 reps and it will deplete you and leave you out of breath which serves as a good cardio workout. This helps burn more fat both during and after your workout.

4. Improve physical endurance

The fact that the squats are a difficult exercise that they do is build up endurance making it easier to train other muscle groups with more intensity.

5. Get ripped while building muscle

If you want to get ripped and shredded there are two things you need to do.

One is to increase cardio workouts, and two is to watch your diet.

Squatting will give you a cardio workout and help you burn fat at the same time.

Squats should be performed using proper form keeping your back straight, when you go down you should go down parallel to the floor, for deep squats you can go down below parallel.

Make sure you are looking ahead when doing the squat movement, avoid looking up or down which can cause you to arch your back, it's always wise to stretch your quads and hamstrings with some light exercise before performing full-blown squats.

I have already stressed that squats are a difficult exercise, proper form should be used, if you train by yourself train with a weight you can handle comfortably, always use the proper gear including a belt to avoid injury.

If you want to squat with a heavier weight you should have someone spot you and be there for help if needed.

Squats are one of the best ways to add size, try them for a few months and I guarantee you will not be disappointed.

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