Masteron Benefits and Side Effects

Masteron Benefits and Side Effects:  Why Do Bodybuilders Use It? Masteron is one of the less talked about anabolic steroids. It is known as Drostanolone Enanthate and is what is considered a long ester version of Drostanolone. Masteron was developed in 1959 by a company called Syntex, the same company that made Oxymetholone (Anadrol). Despite … Read more

Max Gains Venabol for Women

Max Gains Venabol: Safe Dianabol for Women It is not just men who want to gain some muscle.  There are also women who would also like to increase lean muscle. Some women may consider taking anabolic steroids. Steroids are not a wise choice for most women, mainly because of the side effects they can cause. … Read more

Primobolan for Women

Primobolan for Women is it Safe? A big topic on many bodybuilding forums relates to women looking for steroids to help increase muscle and improve overall training performance. Primobolan is one of those steroids that women will consider.  In this article, I will discuss Primobolan benefits and side effects for women. What is Primobolan? Primobolan … Read more

Arnold Schwarzenegger Diet and Training

7 Time Mr. Olympia Arnold Schwarzenegger Diet and Training If you are into bodybuilding and do not know who Arnold Schwarzenegger is, then you had probably better go back to the Mr. Olympia archives and do some research. In this article we will discuss what believe to be some of the basic principles of Arnold Schwarzenegger … Read more

Legal Primobolan for Women

Sutolex: Legal Primobolan for Women Primobolan is also known as Methenolone or Methenolone Acetate. It is an anabolic steroid often used by women during a bulking or cutting cycle. However, it can have side effects. Until now, it has been considered by many as the best option for women because of its low androgenic qualities … Read more

Why You Should Take a Workout Supplement

Workout Supplements

Can Workout Supplements Improve Athletic Performance? There are literally thousands of supplements sold, fat burners, whey protein, creatine etc. Supplements are pushed so hard in the fitness world I believe people ignore them. It seems its all the same crap in a different looking container. Many large supplement companies simply put out new formulas which … Read more

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