7 Reasons Women Should Lift Weights


7 Benefits of Strength Training Lifting weights is not just for men. As a matter of fact, all personal trainers and bodybuilders will tell you that lifting weights is better than cardio. However, cardio exercises where you exercise for longer, with a lower amount of weight or even without it is the most popular choice. … Read more

Strength Training with Machines

What’s Best for Gaining Muscle Free Weights or Machines? Since the discipline was first conceived, more than a century ago – bodybuilding has slowly evolved, adapted, and then transformed itself into the multifaceted monster that we know today. Now, more than a hundred years later, the humble essence of bodybuilding has slowly faded away, and … Read more

Legal Clenbutrol Pills for Women

Clenbuterol Amateur

How Safe is This Clenbuterol Supplement? Clenbutrol is a safe alternative to Clenbuterol also known as (Clen), it has been used by famous actors, celebrities, and athletes. Clenbutrol helps you shed fat quickly without losing muscle. If you perform any kind of exercise, Clenbutrol will help you eliminate excess fat and gain lean and toned … Read more

Strength Training With Limited Gym Equipment

Arnold doing rear delt press

How to Get a Good Workout With Limited Gym Equipment I have trained in a variety of gyms in different countries, without a doubt, there are some very fancy ones with state of the art equipment. Some of the modern gym equipment is nice but I must admit much of the newer is equipment is … Read more

Weight Training Variables for Explosive Strength

Man Showing Off Abs

Want to Gain Muscle? Try These Strength Training Variations One of the biggest mistakes that beginners tend to make once they first join a gym is focusing on developing smaller muscle groups. Not many understand that building a great body is a long and difficult journey. It is filled with countless secrets and variables that … Read more

Can the Side Effects of Steroids Be Reversed?

What Happens After You Stop Taking Steroids? There is no doubt that prolonged use of any chemical that we put into our body will eventually have side effects. Anabolic steroids have been used for decades, in spite of known issues, they will continue to be a staple among bodybuilders and athletes. We all know what … Read more

Androgen Receptors and Legal Steroids


Do Legal Steroids Stimulate Androgen Receptors? There has been a lot of trash talk on the net doubting the effectiveness of legal steroids. Over the last several decades I have experimented around with anabolic steroids, supplements, and prohormones. I can honestly say that if you train smart you can achieve decent muscle gains regardless of … Read more

Mental Fatigue and Bodybuilding

Depressed Bodybuilder

Is Mental Fatigue Interfering with Your Training? Bodybuilding is something that takes time, commitment, and discipline. A bodybuilder needs to take training to extremes to gain muscle, not only does it require physical strength, it also requires an incredible amount of mental focus to help you push beyond your physical limitations. The last excruciating sets … Read more

6 Benefits of Omega 3 Fish Oil

Fish Oil Capsules

The supplement industry is a million dollar industry, if you are into some kind of athletic sport or bodybuilding without a doubt you have probably bought some kind of supplements. Legal steroids, whey protein, and creatine are all very popular in the sports industry, but sometimes we tend to overlook the obvious, and one of … Read more

Differences Between Bodybuilding and Powerlifting

Power Lifting Strength Training

The bodybuilding and powerlifting philosophies have clashed against each other for as long as time can remember. A longing fight for dominance created by the faithful followers of the respective training styles questioned both the relevance and the importance of these disciplines in every way imaginable. Bodybuilding and powerlifting are both training styles born from … Read more

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