Uncommon Bodybuilding Exercises

Uncommon Strength Training Exercises Weight training has and will always be the essence of Bodybuilding, without it we couldn’t sculpt the physique of our dreams or build the superhuman strength that is idolized by mere mortals. Currently, the art of weight training lacks a certain rawness that made it very special just a few decades … Read more

Health Benefits of Squats

The Health Benefits of Squatting I love strength training, every day that I go to the gym its always a new experience, at the end of my workout I love to observe the training routines of others, one thing that always astonishes me is that I seldom see people performing squats. Call me a sadist, … Read more

Meal Frequency and Bodybuilding

Are 5-7 meals really better than 3 big ones? Both old school and modern bodybuilders have attributed a great amount of their physical success to strategic meal frequency and its direct effects on muscle building and fat loss. For years they have claimed that eating small meals at a more frequent rate enhances the body’s … Read more

Why Bodybuilders Use Insulin

Insulin a Potential Health Risk for Bodybuilders Some of the biggest names in bodybuilding are using insulin, this is kind of unfortunate if you think about it, especially considering that there are a lot of diabetics in the world who are forced to take insulin shots every day, not only can it be costly, Insulin … Read more

Common Bodybuilding Diet Mistakes

A successful bodybuilder dedicates most of his time to develop an effective game plan in which the main focus is building the best physique possible, a goal that can only be achieved by balancing three factors; diet, training, and rest. Dieting is by far the most important piece of the puzzle when it comes down … Read more

Why Are Anabolic Steroids Illegal

Why is Anabolic Steroid Use Prohibited? In short, any steroid substance that is not on the Designer Anabolic Steroid Act of 2014 which excludes some forms of estrogens, progestins, corticosteroids, and dehydroepiandrosterone providing they are (1) not on the list, (2) do not mimic something that is on the list, or (3) are derived from … Read more

Potassium and Bodybuilding Enough Goes A Long Way

Benefits of Potassium for Bodybuilding While bodybuilders pay particular attention to their protein intake, they should be just as concerned with potassium. This mineral is an electrolyte in your body and plays a significant role in maintaining the proper fluid balance in the cells, maintaining normal blood pressure, and conducting nerve impulses. For potassium to … Read more

Why Women Should Lift Weights

Why Women Should Lift Weights: Better Than Cardio Female bodybuilding has been considered taboo among some women. Back in the ’80s, women like Rachel Mclish made the sport popular. Since then it has gained in popularity. Some women still think that lifting weights will make them big and blocky. This could not be further from … Read more

Advantages of Strength Training

Man Bench Pressing dumbbells

The advantages of strength training and why you should lift weights Every exercise has its own benefits and doing only one exercise may not give you a completely healthy body and mind. Some workouts give you a perfectly shaped and healthy body while some of them even give you mental wellbeing. Strength Training is a … Read more

Testosterone Why You Need It

Testosterone Why You Need It: Benefits, Side Effects, Uses As a man, you probably already know how important testosterone is for your health. If you have low testosterone it can cause all kinds of issues that a lot of men tend to ignore. I am sure there are younger men who suffer from low testosterone but … Read more

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